Why was my debit card being declined?

Why was my debit card being declined?

There could be a number of reasons why your card is being declined. 

Here’s a list of  the most common reasons:

  • You have insufficient available funds in your account for the transaction. Check your available balance in the mobile app. 
  • You may have recently ordered a replacement card because your old card was damaged. Your new card hasn’t been activated or you’re trying to use the old card and the expiration date is no longer valid. 
  • You’re using an ATM, but either haven’t created your PIN or you’re using the incorrect PIN.
  • You put a “freeze” on your card in the app and haven’t unfrozen it. 
  • You’re making an online transaction and the card, expiration date, or CVV information you’re entering is incorrect. 
  • Your physical card may be damaged - the magnetic strip or chip is damaged.

If you’re still not sure why your card isn’t working, reach out to customer support at support@monkeymoneyapp.com.